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Ability Camp
About Ability Camp

We've been here for 16 years. A few years after we opened, one of the families attending our camp told us about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. As my father used to be a commercial deep sea diver, he was very familiar with chambers. We started offering Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and saw amazing results for a variety of different issues. It helped to improve balance, speech, reduce spasticity, improve focus and in one case made an significant improvement in IQ points. Ability Camp now offers both therapies in combination and there are free accommodations that are right onsite to every therapy offered. This intensive training goes well beyond traditional therapies and has been able to produce results and recovery far above the standard therapy, treatment and rehabilitation . Please take a look at the links on this page to get a better understanding of what therapies and services we provide

Just recently, a new therapy has been added to the list, Auditory Integration Therapy or AIT. Children with CP have been known to have somewhat of a heightened sensitivity to sound. Loud noises, generally but not always unexpected, will cause increased startle reflexes and possibly upset them. Startle reflexes can happen with children with Cerebral Palsy because of hypersensitivity to sound in some frequencies. This AIT therapy is 2 half hour sessions a day listening to specially filtered music to help strengthen the muscles in the inner ear to decrease sensitivity to sound and in some cases increase a hearing deficit to as close to average hearing range as possible. Parents have noticed increased attention span, calmer behaviour and less erratic, uncontrolled movements.

We have also just added a Facebook group called Ability Camp with a picture of our sign. This group allows past clients communicate with potential clients to share their experiences of what it is like to come to Ability Camp and the support and friendships that were gained by many families because

If you would like more information about Ability Camp you can visit the website at www.abilitycamp.com  You can also request a free DVD and information package by e-mailing us at kevin@abilitycamp.com or calling our toll free number 1-800-442-6992.We I sincerely hope that you find this information beneficial and feel free to contact me at the e-mail address listed if you have any questions.


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