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Social Security Benefits FAQ

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How much will I get for my disability claim?

The dollar amount Social Security Disability or SSi benefits an individual will get depends on how much that individual worked in the past and earned during that time or in the case of SSi it depends on the individual's claim circumstances . For disabled widow's, it depends on how much the spouse earned and for a disabled child, it depends on how much the parent earned.


What typically happens in a Social Security Disability Claim process?

Typically you are denied your Disability Claim in the initial stage (good reason why it is wise to have an experienced disability attorney).

Only about 40% of the claims are approved at that stage sometimes less. The next stage, Disability Reconsideration, about 20% of the individuals win at that stage. The last stage, the Hearing stage is where the individual actually has a hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge. The social security disability or ssi disability hearing is informal with only the judge, his secretary and often times the judge will have a vocational expert present to testify as to what jobs the individual can perform.


Social Security Disability Attorney (is it wise to have one?)

Social Security Disability attorney an experienced one usually can be the difference.  No fee is collected if you're social security disability claim is not won, and fees are only collected on the back end. Disability lawyers receive 25% of the back benefits up to a certain amount which has been set by law. Get a FREE Immediate review by an experienced disability attorney in your state.

  1. Statistically claimants that are represented by an attorney are much more likely to win their claim.

  2. An experienced attorney knows what proof social security and ssi disability system requires

  3. Using legal help eliminates both the necessity of waiting in long government lines and the chance that a government clerk's incorrect notation on your condition jeopardizing your claim.

  4. All aspects of your case including complicated paper work will be handled professionally.


What to expect in a typical Social Security Disability claim process

The hardest part of the whole claims process is being patient. Once you request a Social Security Disability or SSi Disability Claims hearing, it may take up to one year to actually have a hearing and then another 3 to 6 months to get a decision. Again, that's why you want to start your claims process with an experienced disability representation.


What we do for you

Your Social Security Disability or SSi Disability Claim will be handled at any stage in the process including application and appeals. Remember, there are no fees unless you win your case and you collect benefits.

As your social security disability claims representatives we will:

  1. Provide you with a thorough evaluation of your Social Security Disability or SSI claim.

  2. Obtain from Social Security the benefit amount you can expect to collect Act as your liaison with the Social Security Administration

  3. Help you complete and process all paperwork and applications for your disability claim

  4. Investigate all medical documentation and obtain additional reports for your Social Security Disability or SSI Disability Claim

  5. Prepare you for any Social Security required hearings

  6. Make sure you receive all the Social Security Disability and/or SSI Disability benefits you are entitled to.

Source http://www.disability-claims.net/cerebral_palsy_disability.html


In this section of the website we will focus on medical success stories and legal success stories.

DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is not properly of this website and is only to be used for research purposes only. It is the property of a third party. This section of the website is source from www.unitednationalcerebralpalsylawyer.com

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